How to Be a Good DM: A Comprehensive Guide to Facilitating Jubensha

Thinking of becoming a Jubensha DM? This article could help you.



2/2/20242 min read

Diving into the world of Jubensha, Dungeon Masters (DMs) play a pivotal role in bridging the narrative and players. This guide offers insights into preparing and executing a session, ensuring both fun and immersion.


  1. Thorough Script Reading: Start with individual character scripts to understand the story from various perspectives. Note any questions—these often align with player inquiries. After reviewing all scripts and the DM manual, most questions will find their answers. Sharing your initial queries and thoughts during or after the game can foster a closer connection with players and showcase your dedication.

  2. Analyzing the DM Manual:

    • Ensure all scripts and clue cards are complete as per the manual.

    • Prepare props if required (consider costume combinations if provided by the venue).

    • Familiarize yourself with the game flow, simplifying it on paper for quick reference during the game to maintain professionalism over flipping through the manual.

  3. Grasp the Story's Truth: While not every DM can perform without a script, conveying the story with emotion rather than a rigid recitation is crucial.

  4. Review Clue Summaries: Understand every clue to provide accurate responses to player inquiries during the game or the debrief.

  5. Select Appropriate Music: If the script lacks specific music, find suitable opening and debrief BGMs based on the scenario.

Pre-Game Preparation (Service):

  1. Communicate with players for script preferences based on their group size and genre interests.

  2. Schedule the session, clarifying game duration and pre-game preparation time to allow players to plan their day.

  3. Advise punctuality and commitment to avoid affecting others' experience.

  4. Prepare the room and props in advance for a professional setup.

  5. Organize and display clue cards neatly.

  6. Arrange complimentary refreshments if applicable (coordinate with the venue for part-time DMs).

  7. Guide players through costume changes and distribute scripts for role selection.

  8. Inform players of any venue rules, like smoking policies.

Game Start:

  1. Distribute scripts, allowing players to choose roles (or recommend characters based on your experience and their personalities).

  2. Encourage role-play over reading directly from scripts and remind players to stay in character.

  3. Engage fully in your role during the introduction, adding improvised elements without spoiling the plot to enhance immersion.

  4. Introduce the backstory engagingly, with accompanying BGM for a better immersive experience.

  5. Lead an icebreaker to help players introduce themselves and understand their characters.

During the Game:

  1. Follow the game closely without intervening in discussions unless necessary for guidance without spoiling the plot.

  2. Address any disruptive behavior among players promptly.

  3. Remain impartial, avoiding personal judgments on players or the storyline.

  4. Guide the narrative discreetly if players stray too far from the plot.

  5. Adjust the atmosphere and pace as needed, especially if the game hits a lull.

Game Conclusion:

  1. Facilitate the voting or questionnaire completion to deduce the murderer.

  2. Debrief the story with enthusiasm, ideally off-script, complemented by thematic BGM.

  3. Engage players during the debrief, making the session interactive and focused.

  4. Discuss the plot and characters post-game, avoiding personal bias.

Post-Game (Service):

  1. Assist players with the checkout process.

  2. Tidy up the room and props for the next session.

  3. Collect feedback on the script and service, either digitally or in person.

Personal Insights:

  1. Mastery of the script allows for better control over the game's pace.

  2. Combining deduction with performance enriches the Jubensha experience.

  3. Managing personal emotions is key to maintaining a neutral and effective DM presence.

In summary, a successful DM blends thorough preparation with dynamic in-game facilitation and post-game service, ensuring each Jubensha session is memorable and engaging.